Friday, August 29, 2008

Weeks 1 & 2 -- Life at the CSM Library

This is the start of my 23 Things blog to get the College of San Mateo faculty, staff and students off to a rolling start. I am working on my master's degree at San Jose State University and was accepted as an intern at the CSM Library where I will be learning and practicing skills to help me a more effective librarian out there somewhere in Library Land.

This is a wonderful community college library with very pleasant, knowledgeable professional and paraprofessional staff. I hope that all the students who attend classes on campus will swing by the library and take a look at all the resources available to them. Ditto for the remote users.

Currently at the CSM Library, there are two displays of books and other print materials. The downstairs display showcases books and journals on global warming. The title on the display case is "GREEN" ISSUES. Upstairs is a display of books on "Women of Achievement."

~ Gloria Mundy ~