Monday, September 22, 2008

Why I am fascinated by lemurs

Just take a look at that face!! And check out the incredible acrobatic agility. Amazing!

The caption under the photo reads:
A slow loris munches on a banana while suspended upside down.

P.S. About Thing #13

The linkroll feature from Delicious to this blog worked fine -- well, sort of -- but for some reason, even though the HTML code showed that the bookmarks should be showing up in alphabetical order, and everything looked good in the preview on the Delicious site, the bookmarks didn't appear that way in this blog. I saw the changes to the HTML code with my very own eyes, but nothing happened to change the outward appearance of the order of the bookmarks. Harrumph. So, when the recommended method fails to yield the results one is looking for and when one is absolutely illiterate in reading and writing HTML code, then one is left with no other recourse than to switch to the tried and true "copy and paste" tactic, which seemed to work just fine. Go figure.

~ Ms. Mundy the Mildly Miffed ~

P.S. I promise to go back to the order of The 23 Things and get busy with Thing #6
, "Flickr Fun and Mashups"...someday soon... Speaking of "mashups," here is a blurb from The Circulator Archives about how the word itself has evolved from musical applications to meaning a Web application hybrid.

Lemur Lover Leaps to Thing #13

So much for following instructions and approaching The 23 Things in an orderly fashion! Lemurs leap from one branch to another -- with no apparent method to their madness -- and hence this lemur loving librarian 2B has decided to follow suit. I was at the Planetree Library last week, where I volunteer, working on a school assignment. I wanted to access one of the information literacy blogs that I remembered coming across last semester BUT it was bookmarked on my laptop at home and quick searches from my memory did not yield the longed for result. Gr-r-r. Time to call on another Web 2.0 tool by setting up an account on (formerly, a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing and discovering bookmarked websites of interest to the other 5 million users on Delicious. Now the trick will be to see if I can incorporate a linkroll from Delicious into this blog. BTW, I finally watched Foul Play with Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase, and Dudley Moore and got to see Ms. Gloria Mundy in action.
LemurLover I am LemurLover on Delicious

Monday, September 15, 2008

Thing #5 - Exploring Flickr

It's been over 2 weeks since I have added anything to the Lemur Lover's Library Log. Every Friday when I see Jackie at the Reference Desk at the College of San Mateo Library, it's a good reminder to get back to the 23 Things. I volunteer at a Planetree Library in Mountain View, and there I remember viewing one of the medical librarian's photos on a Flickr site. I have also seen some library students' photos on their Flickr pages and that has been the extent of my involvement with Flickr thus far. Do I dare admit that from time to time, I still take photos with a camera that uses 35mm film?? That particular camera is very special because of the memories associated with it. The camera I had brought with me died on a mother-daughter trip to Ireland two years ago. With ten minutes left before the shops closed in downtown Killarney, my mother and I set out rapidly to find a camera shop that still had "old fashioned" 35mm cameras in stock. We found a small shop in a back alley with a lovely and patient owner. He had ONE Pentax Espio 115V camera in stock (38mm - 115mm zoom lens), which we bought. Of course, it doesn't compare to the ease and versatility of using a digital camera, but it's fun to have all the same.

Speaking of Killarney, here's a photo of Ross Castle from Flickr:

And now for two photos from one of our home activities:

This is from when I worked at a large animal shelter, giving my husband and me a golden opportunity to foster kittens and raise the occasional "bottle babies." At the time this little character and his sibling came into the shelter, the policy was that the kittens had to be eating on their own before they could go into foster care. These two put on a good show, but after I brought them home, they both said, "We were fakin' it; give us a bottle please!" They weighed about 8-10 ounces each and were probably about three weeks old.

At the time, because of their size, we thought the black and white kitten was a male and that the brown tabby was a female. Turned out to be the other way around though the B&W girl was pretty hefty at 2 months of age while her brother was more on the petite side. Even at two months of age, when they were able to eat dry food with no problem, they still enjoyed a comfort bottle from time to time. When she was two months old, the B&W kitten was able to hold her own bottle.

I found it easier to upload photos from my computer than from a website like Flickr. For some reason, even though Blogger went through the motions and said that the photo I was uploading from a particular URL on Flickr had uploaded successfully, nothing showed up. Frustrating! Instead I saved the photo to my desktop and then added it to Blogger through the "Add Image" function, which worked great. Well, it worked great until I tried to publish this post. I received several error messages indicating that some of the Html tags were not OK. Fortunately, one by one, each Html tag that Blogger didn't like was highlighted, so I removed each offensive one as it was identified by the system and wondered what the removal of these tags would do to the overall appearance of the blog post. Finally, it must have run out of inappropriate Html tags because it showed up as being published. I have no answer for why certain Html formatting showed up as inappropriate unless it had to do with the first photo from Flickr that I tried to upload a few times. Otherwise, I'm stumped. Enough blogging and Flickr exploration for today.

The movie, Foul Play, from which I derived my blogger identity, arrived recently from Netflix. I haven't seen this movie yet but look forward to watching it. It's a 30-year old comedy-thriller involving a shy San Francisco librarian (Goldie Hawn) and the detective assigned to protect her (Chevy Chase). It is supposed to be a spoof of Hitchcock suspense thrillers.

~ Ms. Mundy ~