Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Still Leaping Around -- this time to Thing #18

Last Friday, October 17th, the College of San Mateo Library hosted its first Learning 2.0 interactive educational experience for staff and faculty. For a Friday afternoon, when folks are already transitioning to Weekend Mode, it was well attended. It was fun to watch (and help) people sign up for Google accounts and create their own blogs -- a first online publishing experience for them. In the meantime, school assignments have kept me busy and off the streets and away from blogging. Last week's Learning 2.0 experience reminded me of the usefulness of such web-based applications like Google Docs, which I hadn't used for a couple of semesters. It's been helpful to set up some Word documents in Google Docs for easy access when I'm away from my laptop. To access Google Docs, you can go to Google's home page and click on the hyperlinked "More" to access the dropdown menu where "Documents" is listed. I created a number of documents related to school projects as well as a things to do list by category that I can update from any computer. One of the assignments for Thing #18 is to make a web page out of one of the documents created, so let me try that and report back with a link to add to this blog entry.

It's pretty easy to do. After creating your Google document, you are given a number of choices as far as "sharing" your document, and one of the options is to publish your document as a Web page. So here is mine about flu vaccinations with a couple of references. Initially I wasn't planning on getting a flu shot; however, after doing some reading about flu vaccinations and how you may be protecting more than just yourself, it might be worthwhile after all.

~ Ms. Mundy ~